Wednesday, November 14, 2012

In Loving Memory of Mau Mau Toots.......

We love you and miss you so much! You left pawprints on our hearts and we will meet again with the rest of our FF.............THANK YOU  for bringing our daughter into our lives, xoxoxoxo

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Mau Mau Toots' passing .....

Very sad day today. Mau Mau Toots passed away and had to be put down due to old age. Our furry kid, Wicket's Grandmother, was 100 years young. She gave life to our daughter and kick started the entire furry kid farm. We will all miss her dearly.......go run with our "Popps" in FF Heaven.....xoxoxo

Sunday, November 4, 2012

In Memory of Popps .....

We truly miss you little man and so do your sisters! You endured so much and were gone way too soon! We love you so much! You are forever in our hearts, here in the red rocks and we will see you again ..... xoxoxo Love Your Mothers

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Yes, we've moved! We've decided to go from a website to a brand new blog. Stay tuned as new photos will be coming soon so we can show off some fabulous furry kids.